Nytt medlem: Sebastian Hernandez
Postet av Romerike Ultraløperklubb den 6. Jan 2016
Sebastian Hernandez (35) fra Slependen er innmeldt i klubben,og litt presentasjon kan du lese nedenfor. Han har ennå ikke løpt ultraløp,men derimot en del tøffe kortere terrengløp, og nå er planene lagt for å løpe lengre distanser.
Bildet: Sebastian på fjelltur
- As an introduction, I come from a city outside Barcelona. I've been living in Norway for the last 10 years, nowadays I live very close to Vestmarka.
This year I am very interested into increasing the distance and probably do my first ultra. I am mostly interested in fjell-skog løpe, so far in Norway I've been enjoying Trømso Skyrace, Birken, and a few other half fjell marathons. Longest has been around 30km.
- For the 2016 I've signed up for Birken fjell marathon (42km) and my plan is to sign up also for the Hardangervida marathon in September and Trømso Skyrace Vertical Kilometer + race.
- I don't know any of the runners of the club, that's one of the reasons why I wanted to join, to know people with same interests, share experiences and if any training session are close by I would love to join. I usually run around Gupu-Furuholmen-Mikkelsbonn area.
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