4. og 6. plass til Steffen Brufladt og Mathis Dahl Fenre i NM, 17 fra klubben fullførte!

Postet av Olav Engen den 6. Mai 2024

Steffen Brufladt (bildet ovenfor) kom på 4. plass og Mathis Dahl Fenre (bildet nedenfor) ble nummer 6 i NM terrengultra sist helg, to meget sterke prestasjoner. Mathis er bror til den suverene vinneren i herreklassen, Tobias Dahl Fenre.

Løypa var 88 km lang med ca 3400 høydemeter.

Alle de 17 deltakerne fra klubben fullførte løpet - imponerende i et løp med 36 DNF!

Arrangørens hjemmeside
Alle resultater
Kondis: Parseier i NM terrengultra

Klubbens deltakere:

 Menn 151 deltakere:
    4. Steffen Brufladt 9:14:55
    6. Mathis Dahl Fenre 9:21:50
  16. Konrad Naborsczyk 10:31:07
  22. Marius Stengle Håkonsen 10:52:55 (Bronse i M40-44)
  26. Erlend Brandsnes 11:25:19 (Bronse i M45-49)
  40. Mirzad Pandzic 12:10:13
  48. Tom Johannessen 13:14:06 (Delt sølv i M55-59)
  55. Kevin Hughes 13:32:23
  72. Rudi Placht 14:41:35
  78. Vegard Tokle 15:14:49
  89. Scott Kerrison 16:08:14
  94. Christian Andersen 16:31:00
109. Jarl Odin Herland 18:02:41

Kvinner 33 deltakere:
  17. Inga Rybak 14:27:15
  18. Helene Nilsson 14:43:55
  20. Charlotte Rübberdt 15:20:30
  28. Victoria Placht 18:19:22

Noen oppdateringer vi fant på nettet:

Steffen skriver på Instagram:
Fantastisk dag i en kul og brutal løype. Lårene er most som aldri før, men motivasjonen er høy etter et meget godt gjennomført løp. Takk til @grenlandultrarunners for er prikkfritt arrangement!

Mirzad skriver på facebook:
Feel good race strikes again!  Andre året på rad med løping i Grenland. 87km med 3500hm. I år var det NM i tillegg. Hovedmålet var å slå fjorårets tid, og det gjorde jeg med glans - 14:14:35 vs. 12:10:13! Kjempefornøyd med gjennomføringen. Ble også topp 50 på NM - ikke så verst for en amatørløper (endte på plass 46). Det ble jaggu en selfie òg etter ca. 55km. 

Victoria skriver på facebook:
Skogvokteren ultra - NM i ultraløp 🌱

88 km fordelt på herlige 3500 høydemetere over 13 (?) fjelltopper og i en meget krevende og utfordrende terreng på stien. En super dag med jobbing fra start og motivasjon om å fullføre. Måtte holde litt igjen da kramper i hamstringene begynte å melde seg rundt km 25 ikke med i planen.  Klarte cut'offen på Bliva 50k med god margin og resten av løypen  kunne jeg holde lavere pace. Varmen gjorde dagen ekstra krevende og jeg slet med inntak av næring og vann fra 50 - 72 km. På 72 km cp fikk jeg i meg litt frukt og fries og energien steg nok til at jeg klarte å holde kroppen gående til neste cp på 80 km, der fikk jeg servert tomatsuppe. Fikk trykket i meg litt av den, også bar det ut på siste 8km. Nå begynte det å bli mørkt og kaldt og de siste 8km var tunge og mørke, men nå var jeg så nærme. Å bryte var ikke et alternativ, ikke da og ikke under løpet. Med Nice UTMB i minnet, skulle jeg gjennomføre dette. Det var bare å holde bena i gang. 
Kom i mål på 18 timer 19 minutter og 21 sek. Det er jeg super fornøyd med.
Takk for en fin dag i skogen og fjellet @grenlandultrarunners og takk for den fantastiske servicen løperne fikk på alle matstasjoner. Jeg følte meg som en "rockestjerne" eller "løperstjerne" selv om jeg dannet baktroppen.
Dagen ble enda bedre da jeg på siste cp fikk vite at Rudi klarte løpet på 14.41. Vannvittig bra løpt.

Scott Kerrison på facebook:

I wasn't sure whether I was going to write any sort of post-race report for Skogvokteren Ultra 2024 - NM terrengultra this time, but needing to document my own learnings anyway, have gone ahead with writing. And I then get to post a few photos from the day, some much better than others.
Unfortunately, this running of the national championships in ultra trail was far from the feel-good ending that I wrote after competing previously in Oslo. No, this year resembled more of a disaster film and I'm still hoping that I've avoided writing a full-blown horror script.
With a 5am start, this was an early wake-up, and to try and best ensure I didn't miss the start (even while staying at a hotel not much further away from the start line than the other side of the road), I had alarms set on two phones and two watches around my room. The first alarm at 3.30am proved to be enough. With final preparations and breakfast out of the way, I was still at the start line with more than enough time to think about how the day might turn out.
And as it turned out, well, it was far from any of my plans.
The weather for most of the day was absolutely gorgeous. Some would say it was too hot for an ultra event. And when one considers the optimal weather, that would be a fair assessment. But as an Australian living in Norway, I don't think I can be the person to complain about the sun being out. It did mean that despite the 5am start, it was t-shirt and shorts the whole way for me.
As it should be for a national championship race in trail running, the majority of the course was away from the asphalt. And there were plenty of going up and down through the trails, with my watch suggesting almost 3,900 metres of elevation over the course of the 88km. Although I hadn't managed to get in very much training specifically on the hills, I was happy that my legs kept pushing solidly uphill throughout most of the run. And hills did at least mean a number of fine views along the way. Fortunately, the snow and ice that had been on the ground in some areas in earlier reports had largely disappeared, although simply resulting in those areas being wet under foot.
The support from the volunteers at the aid stations and the public along the way could also not be faulted. One could easily use a lot of unnecessary extra time at each stop enjoying that hospitality and encouragement. But with 5 aid stations, just 10 minutes of loitering at each could add nearly an hour to race time. So other than taking advantage of a drop bag at the 50km service point to top-up my food and to down a bottle of drink (which I realised when packing the following day that I forgot to collect again post-race), I tried to not loiter too much.
After all this time, I still don't feel like I manage to drink enough along the way, so having stashed a bottle in my drop bag at 50km proved to be a good idea, essentially forcing me to at least drink at least that. But that problem had also already shown itself earlier in the run, struggling to eat too much food after a few hours, simply not being able to produce enough saliva to get the food down. Yes, I could have drunk more while eating to be able to get the food down, but that didn't feel any more desirable. Other than the gels that I had with me, the oranges and water melons at the aid stations were much easier to consume. So I think it's back to primarily gels next time, in addition to energy from sports drink. But perhaps still som buns or lefse to begin with, while hydration levels are still a bit higher.
So if the weather, the course and the support were all favourable, surely the outcome should also have been.
For the first couple of hours, it did go well. I was the last person to cross over the start line, in an attempt to try and run my own race and to avoid being caught in a group running at a pace that I could hold for a period, but which was quicker than the average pace I was targeting. And that proved to be successful. While I did get caught behind some slower runners for short periods, this was not a significant problem in the context of a run expected to take around half-a-day to complete. And most runners are more than happy to let faster runners go past.

But after around two-and-a-half hours and 20km, things started to go sideways, quite literally. On an innocent-looking section, I managed to land on a rock surface that was just wet enough, in just the right way, that my left foot slid suddenly out from under me. And rather than going particularly in front of me or sliding backwards, I managed a new "achievement" - sliding left. What I believe stopped me was that my foot has hit another rock on the side of the path that was either itself hanging slightly over the path or that I have slightly rolled my ankle whilst sliding and so hit another rock. While my ankle was fine, one way or another, I sustained a solid hit to my left foot about half-way up. Fortunately, I was able to get myself up, was still mobile, and continued to move forward, albeit at a slower pace than before, at least initially to see how it went. Regardless, it was not like there was any easy out at this point - ringing a taxi was not an option. But I also didn't (and don't) know exactly what damage I sustained. Other than my foot, everything else was still okay - nothing else had solidly hit the ground, or anything else, ...
... until it did some kilometres later. I don't know what I did, but one way or another, I found myself rolling on the ground, taking skin off a knee yet again. Whether this was another slide or my normal trick of stumbling over the smallest unevenness in the ground, I don't know.
While this second fall didn't cause much real damage, combined with the first fall, I had lost the desire to keep trying to run. I had lost too much faith in my shoes and my feet for the day, and continuing to try and run felt like too much of a risk to take, especially with another planned run in just a few weeks.
And with that, the day actually became longer, rather than shorter. I could have pulled out at the next aid station, but was still mobile, and didn't feel that continuing would do significantly more damage to whatever I had already done. And so began what became more an ultra-walk than an ultra-run. Yes, from somewhere around 30km, I walked the majority of the rest of 88km, only trusting myself enough to run on some well-groomed gravel sections and on road sections. Trying to take the positives out of a bad situation, this was good mental training with the next run in mind, where I also expect there can be a lot of walking involved.
Of 184 starters, I still managed to cross the line in 111th place, with 148 total finishers. So there will still several others who were on the course for more time than my 16 hours and change, and plenty who didn't get to the finish line for one reason or another.
So now I hope that the bruising and swelling in my left foot improves each day and that there is no significant damage, along with considering whether I should found a ultra-walking club - perhaps an ultra-running club is not my place to be! Romerike Ultraløperklubb

Fra starten: Foto Scott Kerrison


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