Ingrid Lid på 2. plass i Fredrikstad Maraton

Postet av Romerike Ultraløperklubb den 28. Okt 2021

Ingrid Lid løp inn til en flott 2. plass med 3:18:19 i Fredrikstad Maraton 23. oktober til tross for forkjølelse. Hun var 6 minutter fra seier. Dette var kanskje det siste maratonløpet hennes som RU-medlem, hun er allerede innmeldt i ny klubb (Privat foto).

Starten på maraton, vi skimter Ingrid langt fram i feltet. (Foto: Rolf B Gundersen)

I herreklassen hadde vi tre deltakere der Tore Mortensen og Lars Møller begge kom i mål på 3:47 mens Runar Thorstensen fullførte på 4:57.

Av en eller annen grunn oppdaterer Ingrid på engelsk på fb-siden her, så da får dere det samme:

Cut my hair short 💇‍♀️took the train to Oslo, had a really awfull meal at a very hipster vegan resturant 🤢spent one night at a shitty hotel - in the same street as the terror at 22. july took place, did’nt sleep very well, could’nt adjust the AC and woke up with a cold 🤧😭 Had a very crappy breakfast because I had to leave before the breakfast room opened. 
Took the train to Fredrikstad, waited at the station for a while, took a taxi to the start, waited there for a while. Changed my outfit 4 times, so fuckin hard to make decisions 😭
The race started 11. went out too fast as usual. Struggled with the wind, 💨 felt bad with my cold. Tried to drink When passing the aid stations. But I kept on throwing water and sportsdrink in my face instead 😶‍🌫️🤯🍻(I’m more used to drink from soft flask - I’m ultrarunner you see 🙈🍼). 
The wind Increased - so did my selfpity and misery 😅👍 
But the good things about marathons - they are short 🤷‍♀️ 
I was 2. lady, and Nr 13 in total of 92 runners. I’m not satisfied with my race - but I’m satisfied with doing a longrun + a little «weekend adventure» 🤪🌈🏃‍♀️ 
There are no excuses - I just need to train more on the whole race situation thing. But I’m living the dream - right? 😉
And actually my hair was kind of good looking after running a windy marathon - that’s nice 💁‍♀️ 
Things are not perfect. If my life was a movie it would be some sort of weird Indy movie, complicated drama or a sitcom. Not an epic adventure 😂🎞🎥🎬

Klubbens resultater

Kvinner (13 deltakere):

IngridLidBFG Bergen Løpeklubb / Romerike UltraløperklubbK23-343:18:19

Menn (78 deltakere):

ToreMortensenRomerike UltraløperklubbM45-493:47:47
LarsMøllerRomerike UltraløperklubbM45-493:47:48
RunarThorstensenRomerike UltraløperklubbM45-494:57:02 Seier til Lise Lavoll Borgen-Johansen og John Christian Deighan i Fredrikstad Maraton

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